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InsightSofa Enterprise

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InsightSofa App Update (June 2022)

New branch in Slovakia We have opened a new branch in Bratislava for all our Slovak customers. Support is now available to Slovak customers in Slovak and overall communication on the Slovak market should be considerably strengthened by this step. Visit us at Záhradnická 72, Bratislava, or call us on +421 915 090 750. WIKI A new version of the WIKI module has been added to InsightSofa. This module is used for knowledge sharing between all InsightSofa users. This module is used for knowledge sharing between all InsightSofa users. You can easily create new sections and add to them any topics you want your users to have at hand at any time. The module can be activated by your account administrator in the user group settings. Opening only specific retention cases In the rules for opening retention cases (dissatisfied customers) it is now possible to set a condition that only cases are opened where the respondent has marked a specific L1 question in the survey. Opening (and especially correctly assigning) retention cases is now even more accurate. Ability to resolve (or delegate) multiple retention cases at once It is now much easier to mass delegate or deal with retention cases. On the retention page, simply mark all the cases you want to change and make the change. Translations for multilingual companies For companies that have user accounts in multiple languages, reading data is now more convenient. In addition to the entire application, all custom fields entered by users can now be translated. Reading data for foreign colleagues is now even easier. Improved data display There has been an improvement in data fitlration across InsightSofa. You can now set the data type field and use this to better filter customer experience results. SWOT report We have created a brand new report called SWOT for customers using monetization. It is a classic SWOT drawn by the customers themselves. This SWOT can be plotted for the whole company, but it will start to gain strength if you start plotting it for individual segments, product groups, responsible persons, regions, etc. Contact us for more information. It's worth it 🙂 + Many other small improvements that make working with InsightSofa more pleasant and faster.
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InsightSofa App Update (May 2022)

Online polling module – InsightSofa Enterprise New data filtering options The option to filter by ranges has been added to the filters. So you can now look at the customer experience with even more precision than ever before. Switching between graphical and spreadsheet report Now when switching between graphical and speadsheet reports, the filters used are kept (remembered). So you can switch back and forth very comfortably. Update mobile version of the app The mobile app is again a bit clearer and graphically nicer. Displaying the days of the week Fixed a bug where some reports could show the week from Sunday to Saturday. New SWOT report As part of the monetization, we are launching a new customer experience “SWOT” report. The report plots the SWOT of your company (or a segment of your company), directly through the eyes of your customers. The SWOT report is visible to customers who have subscription monetization. Application ROI Calculator InsightSofa A new feature on that easily calculates the return on your investment in InsightSofa, based on given parameters. The calculation is based on a UK study by the London School of Economics. + minor modifications and improvements to the application   Coming soon… Monetization of the NPS Start beta testing of customer experience according to NPS Monetisation. NPS Monetisation is very briefly about plotting customer experience using creditworthiness and customer value. It helps companies focus on the areas that matter most to the company’s operations. Keyword Analysis Report A report analyzing the occurrence of certain words and sentiment in open comments. Easily find out what the key points your customers are addressing without having to read hundreds or thousands of comments.

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InsightSofa App Update (April 2022)

Online polling module – InsightSofa Enterprise Customize the display of columns in the answer list You now have the option to choose which columns will be displayed in the answer list. This allows you to tailor the main report to the exact needs of your organization. You can not only choose which columns are displayed, but also their order. Changes can be made for a user group – i.e. for all users in a given user group the option will be applied. L1/L2 report The option to display the L1/L2 report as a numeric table has been added. It is now possible to interactively click through individual values in the table. You will then see a relevant listing of respondents. A new and fast way to view data statistics In Processes/Automated Sending, you can now view summary information about individual mailings. You will find detailed data on how many customers were imported, how many surveys were sent, or how many responded. Defending against spam filters Some email providers check emails before delivery by having robots visit links in the emails. We have implemented a feature that prevents these bots from “spoofing” votes. Added full-text search option in retention It is now possible to do full-text searches in all retention cases. Exporting answers for InsightSofa Enterprise module The quota for exporting completed surveys to Excel has been increased. From the original 5 000 to 50 000 surveys in one file. Respondent card optimization The respondent card has been optimized and now loads much faster. Optimization of reports In some accounts, the order of columns in the reports may have changed after applying the filter. This error has been corrected and the columns appear in the same order in any filter application. Optimizing the site for respondent removal The site has been optimized for respondent removal. Now, even for accounts with large amounts of data, removal is fast. And many minor improvements and bug fixes.   Kiosk module – InsightSofa OneTouch Export of answers Now the complete data from the OneTouch module, including the NPS scores, is displayed in the Excel export of the responses. And many minor improvements and bug fixes.

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InsightSofa App Update (March 2022)

Online polling module – InsightSofa Enterprise Easier work with retention In the retention settings, there is an option for what should happen automatically with retention cases. This will help you to set, for example, to automatically open a retention if a customer replies to your email. Or conversely, if you send an email to the customer, the case will automatically close. L1/L2 report improvements We have made improvements to the L1/L2 response report. You can now click through any number in the “Table” section to get to the heart of the problem (or benefit) your customers are suggesting to you. It’s the next step towards full interactivity in our reports. New look of InsightSofa Together with our new corporate identity, the design of the app has been improved and made clearer. The aim was to make the app more pleasant and easier to use. New InsightSofa website It’s not really related to InsightSofa, but we would be very happy if you would take a look at our brand new website and maybe let us know “How much would you recommend it to your colleagues and friends” And many minor improvements and bug fixes. Kiosk module – InsightSofa OneTouch Virtual AI assistant We have launched our very ambitious ISI virtual assistant project on several reports. ISI can use artificial intelligence to research your customers’ opinions and show you the most important data. It’s the next step towards enabling you to run your organisation more and more exactly as your customers want. ISI is currently in beta mode. And many minor improvements and bug fixes.


The new InsightSofa website is live

With this we would like to pay tribute to our previous websites that have served us for more than 7 years. They were there for us when we were getting our first big clients, when we were forming from a small group into the leading CX software supplier in the Czech Republic. Thank you and goodbye. Now let’s welcome the new website.

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Introducing a significantly improved NPS Monetization

Monetizing NPS is a powerful tool that can help you evaluate customer experience not only as an average of all survey respondents, but you can focus on the most important ones. What’s bothering the very group that’s making you the most sales? What are they praising instead? Today, we’ve significantly improved the capabilities to provide even more detailed and business-oriented insights. For example – how much more will you earn if you raise satisfaction by X NPS? Or what profits are safe for you, and which ones need immediate attention?

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The InsightSofa Core Engine has been massively boosted

With the rapidly growing trend of measuring customer experience, we were forced to beef up the InsightSofa Core Engine sending out very significantly. With this change, we are ready to send out millions of surveys per day without any problems. We are waiting for the next huge challenges from our customers. Capacity, and the associated deliverability, is not an issue for us now.

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High-capacity reports are now even faster

Processing large reports over hundreds of millions of data sometimes takes a bit of computing power. The good news is that today we’ve completed a major change to the core application that delivers incredibly fast data rendering over large samples. This can make your customer experience decisions even faster 🙂

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The app in a new, nicer coat

Following the introduction of our new logo and corporate identity, we have updated the graphical look of the app. We firmly believe that the app is now more user-friendly, easier to navigate and most importantly, the data is much easier to read. Let us know on our social media how you like it.

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New logo – change is life

We would like to introduce our new logo. According to us and our graphic designers, it describes exactly what we do. It is cleaner than the previous one and more expressive in colour. We hope it’s another step towards making us more interesting, more colourful for you. Let us know on social media how you like/dislike it.