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Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Metrics for measuring customer satisfaction with products and services.
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What is Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)?

A customer satisfaction score (CSAT) is an indicator utilized to gauge customer satisfaction with a product, service, or overall experience provided by a company. The CSAT is commonly assessed through a questionnaire or rating scale that enables customers to reveal their level of satisfaction.
CSAT is typically evaluated through a concise inquiry, such as “How satisfied are you with our service/product/experience?” Responses are typically rated on a scale of 1 to 3 or 1 to 5, with a higher number indicating greater satisfaction.
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Customers are divided into three groups based on their responses:


These customers are extremely satisfied with your products and services. They are not likely to switch suppliers and are highly inclined to make repeat purchases.



Satisfied customers, with some minor issues regarding your services and products, suggest active engagement with them to inquire about ways to improve their experience.

top detractor


These customers are very likely to switch to a competitor if they find the product/service elsewhere. It is critical that you prioritize these dissatisfied customers and actively seek their input to improve their experience.

The resulting CSAT is calculated as the ratio of the total number of positive smileys to the total number of smileys evaluated (multiplied by 100). It takes values from 0 (very dissatisfied customers) to 100 (very satisfied customers).
csat formula
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Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) is positively correlated with company turnover.

A correlation between Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and firm revenue may exist, but it can vary based on the specific conditions and context of the company.
High customer satisfaction, indicated by a higher CSAT value, can positively impact a company’s revenue. Satisfied customers are more likely to return, make repeat purchases, and refer the company to friends, which can lead to increased sales and overall revenue.
Favorable customer satisfaction can decrease the churn rate. Retaining current customers is usually less expensive than acquiring new ones, and therefore increased satisfaction can positively impact revenue by reducing churn.
Additionally, it’s vital to note that satisfied customers may be more willing to spend more on a company’s products or services. Higher satisfaction can result in increased average purchase volume, repeat purchases, and a higher average customer market basket, which in turn contributes to higher sales.
It is important to note, however, that customer satisfaction is not the only factor impacting a company’s revenue. Other variables such as the competitive environment, marketing strategies, and quality of products and services can also play a significant role in a firm’s overall revenue.
The relationship between CSAT and firm turnover may vary based on industry and firm type. Conducting a comprehensive analysis and monitoring is critical to comprehending the particular connection between CSAT and turnover in a company-specific setting.
CSAT is a valuable tool for acquiring prompt feedback on customer satisfaction. However, to fully comprehend customer behavior and gather more comprehensive data, it is recommended to integrate CSAT with other metrics and methodologies.

Advantages and disadvantages of Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) has its pros and cons. Here are some examples:


CSAT is a straightforward metric that customers and businesses can easily comprehend. Surveys used to gather CSAT data are typically brief and expedient, enhancing the chances of obtaining responses.

Immediate Feedback:

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) provides timely feedback on customer satisfaction, allowing companies to promptly address any concerns and enhance the customer experience.


CSAT enables companies to assess customer satisfaction over time and benchmark their performance against competitors. This allows for the identification of strengths and weaknesses, and enables focus on areas for improvement.

Relationship to customer loyalty:

A higher Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score is typically linked to greater levels of customer loyalty. Contented customers are more likely to come back and refer the company to their acquaintances, which can lead to expansion and increased revenue.


A limited perspective:

CSAT solely measures customer satisfaction and fails to provide in-depth insights on crucial components of the customer experience, such as product excellence, shipping swiftness or service standards.

Risk of bias:

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores can be influenced by various factors, such as customers’ emotions, their perception of expectations, or their tendency to choose outliers. This can potentially lead to biased results.

The importance of additional metrics:

To gain a holistic understanding of the customer experience, it is recommended to merge CSAT with other metrics, like the Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Customer Effort Score (CES).