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InsightSofa WebSight

social sentiment analyses

Artificial intelligence in InsightSofa: Why measure sentiment?

Measuring sentiment of comments using AI is key to understanding the true attitudes and opinions of customers. This process allows you to identify not only what customers are saying, but also how they feel about your products or services. Sentiment analysis provides deeper insight into customer emotions, which can be positive, negative, or neutral. In this way, you can identify and solve problems more effectively, improve your products and services, and better understand your customers' needs and wants. Plus, by using this analysis you can create more targeted and effective marketing strategies, leading to better customer engagement and strengthening your brand. Try AI in InsightSofa right now. Get back to us.
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New: Web Inquiry – WebSight module

Introducing a brand new module to measure customer experience directly on your website. The WebSight module allows you to integrate polling on the actual customer experience on different pages. This makes it easy to find out how satisfied customers are with the content of your site, the quantity and quality of content, the design of the site, or the entire buying process, for example. The module delivers an endless stream of customer suggestions for various improvements to make your website a truly powerful sales channel. At the same time, this module further complements our "omni-channel customer experience" philosophy. Or collecting customer experience across all possible channels in which you meet your customers. Same methodology, with comparable data. Contact us to get an accurate quote.