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One-stop Shop for Complex

Customer & Employee Experience

InsightSofa is an advanced Experience Management Software powered by AI, designed to expertly measure and enhance customer and employee experiences. As a one-stop shop for all your CX and EX needs, its modular system allows you to professionally manage and significantly improve your company’s operations. Whether you need to monitor anything in CX or EX, InsightSofa provides real-time feedback and tailored reports for continuous organizational improvement.

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Automatic Surveys

Emails, SMS, QR Codes, Email Signatures, etc…

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Feedback Terminals

Stores, Showrooms, Company rooms, …

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Website Surveys

Measuring on your website

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One-off Surveys

All-in-one Service.

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Powered by Artificial Intelligence

InsightSofa Artificial Intelligence revolutionizes how you can interact with your customers. By analyzing customer data and behavior, AI can predict needs, offer tailored recommendations, and resolve issues proactively. This personalized approach increases the chances of repeat business and positive word-of-mouth. Our professional-grade solutions introduce brand new CX and EX methodologies that are significantly more effective than established feedback collection metrics, thanks to our advanced AI technology.

Revolutionary CX & EX

Explore artificial intelligence

Serving both. B2B and B2C.

InsightSofa expertly serves both B2B and B2C companies. It equips B2B firms with tools and modules for deep client engagement. On the other side offers B2C businesses rapid feedback analysis to respond swiftly to market changes. This dual capability ensures improved customer and employee experiences, catering to the unique needs of each business model.


Understanding the Mechanism

How InsightSofa Delivers Outstanding Results

All Global CX Metrics. And Beyond.

InsightSofa leverages globally recognized CX and EX metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES), alongside our proprietary AI methodologies that deliver even more precise and business-focused insights.















Overall Experience Score




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Emotions in Real-time

Transactional feedback, captured immediately after customer interactions, offers vital, actionable insights that allow businesses to make rapid adjustments. Using InsightSofa, companies can pinpoint improvement areas, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty at every touchpoint. This focused approach supports data-driven decisions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centricity.

Customer Journey

The customer perceives your company throughout their entire journey. InsightSofa measures the experience at each touchpoint and provides you with a comprehensive view of your company. Identify the weakest points and start improving them. An increase in profits will soon follow.

customer journey

Align, Operate, Satisfy.

Business Reports Tailored to Align Operations with Customer or Employee Requirements

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Interpersonal Connections

As CX and EX professionals and partners, we deliver added value to our clients. Our commitment to excellence fosters mutual appreciation—we love our clients, and they love us.

Whats new?

Ever Evolving Story to Make Our Partners Better and Better