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What is the priority for a customer to remain loyal nowadays? Key drivers and measurement of customer experience

In today’s age of technological innovation and increasing competition, maintaining customer loyalty is a necessity for businesses. Customer loyalty is the result of efforts to meet and exceed customer expectations. Now we’ll look at the key factors that influence customer loyalty and the importance of measuring customer experience to a company’s success.


  1. Quality of the product or service

The most important factor for customers is undoubtedly the quality of products or services. Customers expect products not only to fulfil their purpose but also to add value. Quality of service is measured by speed, efficiency and professionalism.


  1. Excellent customer service

Customer service plays a key role in building long-term relationships with customers. Fast and efficient support, a personal touch and the ability to resolve problems quickly and effectively are essential.


  1. Personalisation

Personalisation is becoming increasingly important in the customer experience. Customers appreciate when services and products are tailored to their needs and preferences, which increases their satisfaction and brand loyalty.


  1. Price and value

Price is still an important factor, but customers are looking for value first and foremost – the best price-performance ratio. Transparency in pricing and fair business practices are key to gaining customer trust.


  1. Reliability and trustworthiness

Reliability and brand credibility are essential to maintaining customer loyalty. Customers look for companies they can rely on and that consistently deliver on their promises and commitments.


  1. Sustainability and social responsibility

In today’s world, sustainability and corporate social responsibility are also important to customers. Companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility earn the respect and loyalty of customers.


  1. Innovation and adaptation to trends

A company’s ability to innovate and adapt to changes in the marketplace is important for maintaining customer interest and loyalty. Customers appreciate brands that are up-to-date and constantly evolving.


The Importance of Measuring Customer Experience

Maintaining customer loyalty requires not only understanding these factors, but also systematically measuring the customer experience. Customer experience measurement allows companies to collect and analyse data on how customers perceive their products and services. This includes satisfaction surveys, monitoring social media feedback, and using metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT).


Data analysis and improvement

The data collected is then analysed to identify strengths and weaknesses in the customer experience. This analysis helps companies better understand customer needs and expectations and provides valuable information for improving products, services and the overall customer experience.


Proactive approach to feedback

Companies that are proactive in collecting and responding to feedback are able to react quickly to problems and improve their services. This not only increases customer satisfaction, but also builds long-term relationships based on trust and loyalty.



Customer loyalty in today’s business world is a multifactorial and dynamic process. The combination of quality products and services, excellent customer service, personalisation, fair pricing, reliability, sustainability, innovation and systematic measurement of customer experience is the key to maintaining and developing customer loyalty. Companies that master these aspects and focus on an ever-improving customer experience will have a significant competitive advantage and will be able to maintain customer loyalty in the long term.