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How does Apple measure and care about customer experience?

Apple is known for its unique approach to customer care and customer experience measurement. This approach is key to maintaining the loyalty and satisfaction of their extensive customer base. The examples and facts below illustrate how Apple achieves excellence in this area.


1. Apple Store: more than just a store

The Apple Store is designed to deliver not just products, but an experience. Each store is more of a learning and discovery zone than a traditional store. For example, instead of salespeople, there are employees known as “Specialists” and “Creatives” who offer workshops and personal assistance. Customers can join a variety of free courses, such as “Today at Apple” workshops, which cover everything from iPhone basics to professional photography skills.

2. Feedback and satisfaction surveys: a detailed look at Apple’s approach

Apple effectively uses feedback and satisfaction surveys as key tools for measuring and improving the customer experience. This approach is essential to understanding customer needs and expectations and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Here’s a closer look at how Apple is implementing and leveraging this important part of its business strategy:

A. Collection of feedback

After Purchase and Customer Service Interaction:Apple systematically sends customer satisfaction surveys after a product purchase or customer service interaction. This process is designed to get immediate feedback on the customer experience.

Online and in Stores:Feedback is collected not only online, but also at Apple Stores, where customers can meet with experts in person to provide insights and feedback.

B. Analysis and use of feedback

Identification of trends and problem areas: the data obtained from these surveys is analysed to identify trends, areas for improvement and specific problems that customers may have.

Improving products and services:Apple uses this information to inform product design, software development, and customer service improvements. For example, feedback can lead to software updates that solve specific problems or add new features based on customer requests.

In-store experience management:At Apple Stores, feedback is used to further train employees and optimise the layout and presentation of products to deliver the best possible customer experience.

C. Significant impact on product development

Direct Influence on Innovation:Apple takes customer feedback seriously and often uses it as direct input for product and service innovation. For example, improvements in battery and display in new iPhone models can be directly linked to customer feedback.

D. Transparent communication

Feedback as part of the Company Culture:Apple emphasizes transparent communication and uses feedback as part of its company culture, where listening to the voice of the customer is considered key to continuous development and innovation.

The above feedback and satisfaction survey process is a cornerstone of Apple’s strategy for maintaining an excellent customer experience. This approach helps the company maintain its position as one of the leaders in innovation and customer satisfaction.

3. Innovative customer support

Apple provides a wide range of support options, including in-person help in the Apple Store, online chat, and phone support. In addition, Apple offers support through its website and through the Apple Support app. This app allows customers to easily find articles about problems, schedule repairs and even communicate directly with experts.

4. Personalising the experience

Apple uses technology and data to deliver personalised experiences for its customers. For example, using augmented reality technology in the Apple Store app, customers can virtually place Apple products in their home to better understand how they will fit.

5. AppleCare and Warranty Services

AppleCare provides customers with enhanced protection and support for their products. This program includes extra technical support and adds additional years of product warranty. For example, customers can take advantage of AppleCare+ for iPhone, which offers up to two accidental damage cases every 12 months.

6. Commitment to innovation and quality

Apple is known for its emphasis on innovation and product quality. Products like iPhone, iPad and Macbook are designed with user-friendliness and performance in mind, contributing to high levels of customer satisfaction. Apple also continually updates its operating system and software to ensure the best possible user experience.

7. Responding to customer feedback

Apple is known for being responsive to customer feedback. For example, when customers complained about the MacBook’s keyboard having a “butterfly” mechanism, Apple eventually changed the keyboard design in newer models.

8. Community approach

Apple creates a sense of community among its users through forums such as Apple Support Communities, where users can discuss products, share tips and help each other.


Apple is proving that careful measurement and management of the customer experience is key to building a strong brand and maintaining customer loyalty. The company uses a combination of technology, personalization, excellent customer service and innovative products to ensure that customers have a positive experience every step of the way. This comprehensive approach is an example of how customer experience can be effectively measured and improved.