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What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. The goal of NLP is to enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is natural for humans. This


What are Large Language Models (LLM)?

Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a revolutionary technology in the fields of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. These models, trained on vast amounts of textual data, have the ability to understand, generate, and process human language with a high level of accuracy and naturalness.

InsightSofa Tag Report

AI Tagging of Surveys

Categorizing (or tagging) surveys is one of the fundamental tasks you’ll need to perform when working with customer (and employee) experience. It’s also an activity that takes up a significant amount of time. On the other hand, it is crucial to have feedback properly categorized

OES report

Overall Experience Trend Report

What is the Overall Experience Score (OES)? The Overall Experience Score (OES) is an innovative methodology for measuring and managing customer and employee experience, developed by InsightSofa. This methodology uses artificial intelligence to analyze the entire survey, including all questions and answers, to assign an

Sentiment Segment Report

AI Sentiment Segment Report

The Sentiment Segment Report displays the sentiment analysis of free-text comments from customers or employees. In this report, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role. It reads all comments, recognizes the text using a language model, and assigns an appropriate sentiment to each free comment. These

AI Sentiment Evolution report

AI Sentiment Evolution Report

The AI Sentiment Evolution Report displays the sentiment analysis of free-text comments from customers or employees. In this report, artificial intelligence plays a key role. It reads all comments, recognizes the text using a language model, and assigns an appropriate sentiment to each free comment.

Sentiment Overview Report

AI Sentiment Overview Report

The Sentiment Overview Report displays the sentiment analysis of free-text comments from customers or employees. In this report, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role. It reads all comments, recognizes the text using a language model, and assigns an appropriate sentiment to each free comment. These

sentiment trend

AI Sentiment Trend Report

The Sentiment Trend Report displays the sentiment analysis of free-text comments from customers or employees. In this report, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role. It reads all comments, recognizes the text using a language model, and assigns an appropriate sentiment to each free comment. These


Overall Experience Score (OES)

What is the Overall Experience Score? The Overall Experience Score (OES) is an innovative methodology for measuring and managing customer and employee experience, developed by InsightSofa. This methodology uses artificial intelligence to analyze the entire survey, including all questions and answers, to assign an overall

ISI role AI

The Role of AI in Customer Experience

Customer Experience (CX) is a crucial factor in today’s business landscape, determining the success or failure of a company. Traditional methods of measuring customer satisfaction, such as surveys and questionnaires, still play an important role. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), new opportunities