Terminals and kiosks

Insightsofa OneTouch™

Terminals and kiosks

When you want to know what your customers think about your business.
Group 971

Understand the customer experience through terminals and kiosks.

Group 997

Get feedback even from people you don’t have contact with.

Collect customer feedback at your locations. Anonymous and addressed feedback. Portable and easy to set up terminals and kiosks.

Your customers’ opinions in real time

Easily customizable surveys and mobile terminals

Easy to connect (230V outlet only or even battery-powered versions)

Get a quote
Or call us directly: +420 478 048 900

Easy for respondents, effective reporting for you.

InsightSofa OneTouch terminals are designed to take the least amount of time for the respondent to complete the survey and for InsightSofa to provide you with the most detailed data and customer insights.

Maximum of 3 clicks for respondent to rate

More than 10 pre-defined customer experience reports available

Automatic notifications for non-standard conditions (e.g. dissatisfaction)

Get a quote
Or call us directly: +420 478 048 900
Group 998

Perfect and simple methodology.
Net Promoter Score

Group 1030
Mask Group 28 1

Let your customers know
that their opinions matter.

When you give customers the opportunity to respond immediately to their satisfaction, they feel that their opinions really matter. When you act on their opinions, you consistently create a welcoming environment where they will want to shop again and again.

Customers are satisfied when they can express their opinions immediately

Terminals motivate employees to provide better service

Track the progress of satisfaction in stores in real time

Get a quote
Or call us directly: +420 478 048 900
Group 999 1
Group 1000 1

You’ll be the first
to know when something happens.

InsightSofa OneTouch constantly monitors all your affiliates and tracks their current performance. If satisfaction drops, the responsible person is automatically alerted (including the reason for the problem) and can begin to address it.
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Light enough for mobility.
Too heavy to be stolen.

InsightSofa OneTouch terminals and kiosks are made from a combination of aluminum and steel. This gives them perfect stability and makes them too heavy to steal. However, if you need to move the terminal from time to time, you can do so without any tools.

Very stable due to the use of steel parts

Made entirely in the Czech Republic

Different sizes of touch screens

Get a quote
Or call us directly: +420 478 048 900
Terminal1 2
Group 1002

Anti-abuse and
fraudulent voting features.

InsightSofa OneTouch includes several features to prevent fraudulent voting. You can be confident in the validity of the results.
Get a quote
Or call us directly: +420 478 048 900

New service!

One-off customer satisfaction survey

The new InsightSofa OneTouch Swift service is for those who want a one-stop shop for customer satisfaction on their premises. It is a turnkey service where we fully set up the terminal, deliver it, let us measure customer satisfaction for 1 month, and then deliver the exact results of what customers want. Your strengths and weaknesses. And at a very affordable price.
Get a quote
Or call us directly: +420 478 048 900
onetouch swift e1704266217288

Great for your business with many placement options.

Get an InsightSofa OneTouch wall-mounted, free-standing, or integrated into your existing systems. Let us know and we’ll find the best solution for you.
Get a quote
Group 907

Easier than you think.
We can do it online.

Group 1003

Truly dedicated project
manager. From start to finish.

Proper implementation into a company involves understanding your organization, the processes within the company, and the goals set. Throughout the implementation, a dedicated project manager is available to lead all meetings and ensure a worry-free implementation of InsightSofa. You can contact him at any time to address your current needs.

Clearly defined process
saves time on both sides.

We have done many implementations from small companies to multinational organizations, operating in more than 20 countries. We have developed plans for companies of all sizes and complexity of requirements.

Initial consultation, familiarization and analysis of the current state of affairs

Definition of objectives and project plan

Setting up a structure of inquiry, trigger points and touch points

Creation of text and graphic design of the solution

Implementation of the solution, interfacing with external systems

Test version, testing and commenting

Training on how to work with the system and customer experience

Launch of the live solution

Group 1004
Group 902

We minimize all “birth” pains.
We’ve already been through them.

Introducing a customer-centric approach to your business is a complex activity in which you can run into a lot of problems. Rely on us. We’ve seen many problems, solved them, and we won’t let them occur to you.
Group 1007

We deliver the implementation „turnkey“.
With minimal interaction.

From the initial meeting to overseeing the right course and working with the customer experience. We are here for you. And we love doing it.

News about Insightsofa OneTouch™

insightsofa obrazek 2
Introducing a significantly improved NPS Monetization

Introducing a significantly improved NPS Monetization

Monetizing NPS is a powerful tool that can help you evaluate customer experience not only as an average of all survey respondents, but you can focus on the most important ones. What’s bothering the very group that’s making you the most sales? What are they praising instead? Today, we’ve significantly improved the capabilities to provide even more detailed and business-oriented insights. For example – how much more will you earn if you raise satisfaction by X NPS? Or what profits are safe for you, and which ones need immediate attention?

insightsofa obrazek 2
The app in a new, nicer coat

The app in a new, nicer coat

Following the introduction of our new logo and corporate identity, we have updated the graphical look of the app. We firmly believe that the app is now more user-friendly, easier to navigate and most importantly, the data is much easier to read. Let us know on our social media how you like it.

insightsofa obrazek 2
New logo – change is life

New logo – change is life

We would like to introduce our new logo. According to us and our graphic designers, it describes exactly what we do. It is cleaner than the previous one and more expressive in colour. We hope it’s another step towards making us more interesting, more colourful for you. Let us know on social media how you like/dislike it.

Interesting reference projects

penta reference
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Penta Hospitals

Private hospitals owned by investment group Penta measure customer experience in detail using InsightSofa OneTouch terminals. In all of their hospitals, patients can voice their opinions, both in the hallways and in the inpatient areas. Penta is excellent at taking these views and implementing them into practice.
alza reference
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Alza.cz a.s.

Alza is a leader in e-commerce not only in the Czech Republic. Its effort to understand its customers is enormous, for which we praise it very much. Besides the very detailed cooperation between Alza and InsightSofa Enterprise, we also supply Alza with InsightSofa OneTouch satisfaction terminals and kiosks. And this to branches in all countries where Alza operates. I.e. Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
kb reference
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Komerční Banka a.s.

Komerční Banka cares very much about the satisfaction of its employees. That’s why, in collaboration with InsightSofa OneTouch, they devised a measurement system that collects their mood and recommendations for improvement, from the quality of food in their private cafeteria to the IT services of the office that keeps their IT equipment running smoothly.
mondi reference
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Mondi is one of the largest paper manufacturing companies in the world. They are renowned in their care for their employees. We deliver many solutions for Mondi from employee safety, to employee satisfaction.
pilulka reference
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Pilulka is a network of pharmacies and e-commerce with medicines. They look at the customer experience with InsightSofa OneTouch terminals and kiosks. Pilulka is a beautiful case of how understanding your customer well means thriving in the marketplace.
laufen reference
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Laufen is a manufacturer of sanitary technology. Using InsightSofa OneTouch terminals and kiosks, Laufen measures employee satisfaction in its production areas. With this knowledge, they are better able to motivate their colleagues and adapt their company processes to keep them happy.

Just one more step to measurement in your estabilishments

Group 690

Get a complete customer experience measurement tool.